#CARSON CITY, Nev. — On Thursday, Aug. 1, 2019, Pacific Publishing Company acquired from Sierra Nevada Media Group the assets of the Carson City Nevada Appeal, Gardnerville The Record-Courier, Fallon Lahontan Valley News, and Reno Northern Nevada Business View publications. Nevada News Group, a division of Pacific Publishing, will be the entity operating the newspapers. Nevada News Group also publishes the Winnemucca Humboldt Sun, Battle Mountain Bugle, Lovelock Review-Miner, Fallon and Fernley Mailbox News, and Nevada Rancher magazine.
#Peter Bernhard, owner and CEO of Pacific Publishing, made the announcement to staff in a morning meeting on August 1. “As with any business change of ownership, employees, readers, and the business community are concerned about what comes next,” said Mr. Bernhard. “I am pleased that we were able to structure a deal in a way that allows us to keep what I see as a very high-quality group of individuals dedicated to their mission. We have a great group of print publications, strong and active websites, the largest news gathering operation in northern Nevada, and the software and publishing tools to keep us competitive and relevant in today's media fractured environment.”
#Mr. Bernhard continued “The Swift organization, owners of Sierra Nevada Media Group, is a first-class publishing company with great media assets in a number of states. Our publishing footprints dovetail nicely with one another and combining the operations always made sense from a publishing perspective. In our discussion it was somewhat a matter of which company was going to be the acquirer. I feel lucky that our organization will be the ones to continue to publish these fine newspapers and magazines.”
#Nevada News Group will maintain its current offices at 580 Mallory Way in Carson City, 1503 Highway 395 North in Gardnerville, 50 West Liberty St. in Reno, and 1022 Grass Valley Rd in Winnemucca.
#Pressworks Ink, a division of Swift Communications, Inc., was not part of the sale but will continue to provide printing and related services to Nevada News Group. The Tahoe Daily Tribune, South Lake Tahoe, is also not part of the sale.
-->CARSON CITY, Nev. — On Thursday, Aug. 1, 2019, Pacific Publishing Company acquired from Sierra Nevada Media Group the assets of the Carson City Nevada Appeal, Gardnerville The Record-Courier, Fallon Lahontan Valley News, and Reno Northern Nevada Business View publications. Nevada News Group, a division of Pacific Publishing, will be the entity operating the newspapers. Nevada News Group also publishes the Winnemucca Humboldt Sun, Battle Mountain Bugle, Lovelock Review-Miner, Fallon and Fernley Mailbox News, and Nevada Rancher magazine.
Peter Bernhard, owner and CEO of Pacific Publishing, made the announcement to staff in a morning meeting on August 1. “As with any business change of ownership, employees, readers, and the business community are concerned about what comes next,” said Mr. Bernhard. “I am pleased that we were able to structure a deal in a way that allows us to keep what I see as a very high-quality group of individuals dedicated to their mission. We have a great group of print publications, strong and active websites, the largest news gathering operation in northern Nevada, and the software and publishing tools to keep us competitive and relevant in today's media fractured environment.”
Mr. Bernhard continued “The Swift organization, owners of Sierra Nevada Media Group, is a first-class publishing company with great media assets in a number of states. Our publishing footprints dovetail nicely with one another and combining the operations always made sense from a publishing perspective. In our discussion it was somewhat a matter of which company was going to be the acquirer. I feel lucky that our organization will be the ones to continue to publish these fine newspapers and magazines.”
Nevada News Group will maintain its current offices at 580 Mallory Way in Carson City, 1503 Highway 395 North in Gardnerville, 50 West Liberty St. in Reno, and 1022 Grass Valley Rd in Winnemucca.
Pressworks Ink, a division of Swift Communications, Inc., was not part of the sale but will continue to provide printing and related services to Nevada News Group. The Tahoe Daily Tribune, South Lake Tahoe, is also not part of the sale.