Ashcroft concedes Missouri Senate race, salutes voters' 'compassion'

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ST. LOUIS - Republican John Ashcroft fought back tears Wednesday as he conceded the Senate election to the late Gov. Mel Carnahan and opened the way for Carnahan's widow to assume the seat. ''I hope the outcome of this election is a comfort to Mrs. Carnahan,'' he said.

''Missouri is a compassionate state and, I think, in a very special way, they have demonstrated their compassion,'' said Ashcroft, surrounded by his family and two dozen supporters at his suburban St. Louis headquarters.

Mel Carnahan was killed in a plane crash on the way to a campaign rally three weeks ago, but his name remained on the ballot and he outpolled Ashcroft by more than 48,000 votes out of 2.36 million cast Tuesday. Before the election, Missouri's new Democratic governor, Roger Wilson, said that if Carnahan won, he would appoint his 66-year-old widow, Jean Carnahan, to the Senate.

Never before in U.S. history has anyone posthumously won election to the Senate, though voters on at least three occasions sent deceased candidates to the House.

Ashcroft on Wednesday rejected the possibility of a challenge to the election, saying he will not take part in any legal action and will discourage others from doing so.

Some Republicans had argued that at the time of the election, Carnahan was not, as the U.S. Constitution requires, a Missouri inhabitant, because he was dead. Also, the Missouri GOP has urged an investigation into possible voter fraud in St. Louis on Tuesday.

Ashcroft, a former two-term governor, state attorney general and auditor, said he will go back to his farm near Springfield after his term ends Jan. 3. Mrs. Carnahan would be appointed then, when the vacancy occurs, and would serve until the next general election, in 2002.

''I look forward to spending time with my wife, Janet,'' Ashcroft said, breaking off to fight back tears as his wife laid her head on his shoulder and squeezed him. He said he does not want to think about whether he will seek the same seat in 2002 or run for any other office.

Early Wednesday, Mrs. Carnahan spoke to hundreds of St. Louis-area supporters from her home in Rolla.

''We remain heirs of a legacy, bearers of a dream,'' she said. ''On this night, I pledge to you - rather, let us pledge to each other - we will never let the fire go out. God bless you always.''

Mel Carnahan got 50 percent of the vote to Ashcroft's 48 percent.

After Carnahan's death, Ashcroft, 58, took an eight-day hiatus from campaigning, which he said hurt him in the polls.

Mrs. Carnahan conducted a low-key but effective effort consisting mainly of one news conference, one TV commercial and a single interview from the family home.

The decision to appoint her to the Senate transformed the election, making a vote for Mel Carnahan a means of electing his widow and honoring his memory.

Sen. Christopher Bond, R-Mo., said he will ask the U.S. attorney's office Thursday for a federal investigation of the fraud allegations. But Bond added: ''The people of Missouri have spoken. America and Missouri have always done well by following the will of the people. The Senate will do the same.''

''I don't think my election hinged on voter fraud in the city,'' Ashcroft said. ''I lost this race because I didn't get as many votes as my opponent did. I've been there before.''


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