Bush steps down as governor, takes up national education plan

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AUSTIN, Texas - An emotional George W. Bush resigned from the job that helped catapult him to the presidency on Thursday. Leaving the governorship behind, he walked out of the state Capitol and plunged into the business of promoting his national education program to Congress.

''I've cleaned out my office. It's ready for occupancy,'' Bush said, choking up as he waved farewell to hundreds of lawmakers and supporters in the state Senate chambers.

His successor, GOP Lt. Gov. Rick Perry, was sworn in as governor about five hours later from the same Senate podium and with Bush there to cheer him. ''His shadow will loom large over this granite building, for it is the shadow of a great man,'' Perry said in tribute.

Bush ticked off a series of gubernatorial accomplishments in a 4-minute resignation speech, including two that mirrored items on his White House agenda: improving public schools and lowering taxes.

''It's an emotional moment, to leave a job I love for a state I love,'' Bush told reporters as he left the statehouse. ''There's a lot of my friends sitting there, and people I admire. I hope I assured them that even though I'm changing addresses, Texas will always be home.''

After his public goodbye, Bush turned almost immediately to the job ahead, hosting 19 GOP and Democratic members of Congress for an education discussion at his soon-to-be-former house, the governor's mansion.

Bush and the lawmakers, meeting privately, said they addressed the president-elect's plan for local school control and accountability, literacy, special education and boosting teacher quality.

''It's safe to say we just had an extraordinary meeting,'' Bush told reporters. ''I would characterize our meeting as very hopeful.''

Sen. Zell Miller, D-Ga., described the session as a real give-and-take, with Bush responding to each lawmakers' comments.

''I think it spoke volumes on how this new president is going to operate,'' Miller said. ''It was a candid exchange.''

Bush, who called education his No. 1 priority, faces an uphill battle on Capitol Hill selling controversial elements of his plan, including giving parents taxpayer-funded vouchers to attend private schools.

Almost all the lawmakers addressed school vouchers, said Democrat Rep. George Miller of California - where voters rejected a school voucher measure. He said Bush called it is a matter of ''state determination.''

After the meeting, Bush addressed criticism from White House economic adviser Gene Sperling, who accused the president-elect of downplaying the economy's strength ''to gain short-term political positioning.''

Bush, who makes the case his $1.3 trillion tax-cut plan will boost the economy, said in response to Sperling, ''I have said that there are some warning signs on the horizon. I think people are going to find out that when I'm sworn in as the president I'll be a realist.''

He also said, ''I hope the economy is strong. All of us in America hope our economy remains strong. One of my responsibilities is to anticipate problems and be prepared to act.''

Education was also the subject of Bush's meeting with more than 30 Hispanic leaders from across the country. ''It's an opportunity to reaffirm to the country my administration's commitment to making sure the American dream is available to all,'' Bush said, calling the get together ''more than just a symbolic moment for me.''

When Rita DiMartino, a meeting participant, addressed Bush as ''Mr. vice president-elect,'' he quickly corrected her, saying it was ''president-elect'' and then joked he couldn't figure out why he had been demoted. ''What did I say?'' Bush asked DiMartino.

Bush, who won the presidency but lost the popular vote, met a day earlier with a racially mixed group of ministers as part of attempt to promote faith-based programs and heal a racial divide. The Texan lost the black vote to Democrat Al Gore by a 9-to-1 margin.

The gatherings ''signal that he does intend to be the president of all the people,'' Bush spokeswoman Karen Hughes said. ''He has done that through announcements that have showcased the diversity he intends to have in his administration and a series of meetings with diverse groups of people.''

Bush's initial round of Cabinet and White House appointments included two blacks, two Hispanics, two women and three white men.

On a hurry-up schedule to fill out top jobs, Bush was also holding meetings Thursday to weigh potential members of his administration, with the next announcement of Cabinet appointments possible on Friday.

He was poised to name Gov. Christie Whitman of New Jersey to the nation's top environmental post as soon as Friday. Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson has also been offered and has accepted the job of secretary of Health and Human Services, senior Republicans in Washington and Wisconsin said. Sources close to Bush could not confirm the deal was closed.

Bush's top candidate for attorney general, Montana Gov. Marc Racicot, told the president-elect Wednesday night that he did not want the job.

The move upgraded the prospects of Oklahoma Gov. Frank Keating, a favorite of conservatives and many Washington Republicans. Another candidate is defeated Missouri Sen. John Ashcroft.

Virginia Gov. James Gilmore is Bush's choice to become chairman of the Republican National Committee, senior GOP officials said. The party apparatus will play a key role, particularly in fund-raising, during the 2002 congressional elections and in any Bush re-election effort. Gilmore would complete his four-year term as governor, which expires in 2002.

Bush was moving quickly to build an administration with less than one month left before Inauguration Day.

His transition was truncated by the election recount deadlock in Florida - a state where he will vacation after Christmas.

After spending the holiday at his Texas ranch, Bush planned to join family members for vacation in Boca Grande, Fla. Bush's brother, Jeb, is governor of Florida.

After about two days there, Bush was planning to travel to Washington for transition meetings.


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