Carson senior center celebrates 10th anniversary with events

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Events scheduled for the Carson City Senior Citizens Center 10th Anniversary Celebration

Daily - Guided tours between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. by Center volunteers. The public is invited to all events.

July 10 Monday - Dedication Day, entertainment and Ice Cream Social

July 11 Tuesday - Elder Care Forum. Elder Care Advisors of Nevada present a free seminar to seniors and their families on life planning options during retirement. Speakers include Henry Cavallera, attorney; Donna Shilinsky, MS, RN, CCM; Dennis Travers, MA-RG; Kim Spoon, MSW-MG and Felice Cavalerra, CPA, MBA.

Topics of the seminar include legal issues regarding estate planning; tax planning issues regarding estates; guardianships and legal requirements; geriatric care management and providing positive options for independent living for aging and disabled adults.

July 12 Wednesday - Horseshoe tournament, 9-11:30 a.m.; fly fishing tournament, 1-3 p.m.

July 13 Thursday - Game Day, including pinochle, bridge, cribbage and bingo.

July 14 Friday - Singing Seniors under the direction of Bobbi Dowell during lunch hour; Millennium Silver Tea Dance, 1:30 p.m. with live music.

Information: 883-0703. The Center's hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.