Crosswalks needed, can be improved

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Reference IIona Strull's letter to the editor of July 20. No, Ilona, we shouldn't give up the luxury, as you call it, of having crosswalks on every corner. We tend to forget that pedestrians were here long before cars, trucks and motorcycles.

Who is more important in the scheme of things than the human being? Rather than eliminate, let's remember the pedestrian has the right of way. Instead, let's find ways to make the crosswalks safer and the driver more aware that there is more to life than talking on their car phones.

The Appeal had an article in their Sierra Magazine for July by Bruce Mackey of the Nevada Office of Traffic Safety. I called him because Betty Horrocks and I are what you might call activists, and we were going after the crosswalks to be painted with fluorescent paint to be more visible at night. Mr. Mackey suggested an even better solution as the system they have at the Reno Airport when a pedestrian steps on the crosswalk, alert lights go on that only the driver can see. I'll admit I haven't seen the system, but Mr. Mackay says it's the best. If so, that's what we should go for not less crosswalks, which is no solution and maybe big signs that say "people were here first."