Letter: Ballot issue is about preserving the family

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I would like to thank Heather Howe for clarifying for me just why I am so strongly in favor of the measure known as the Protection of Marriage Initiative. Heather reminds us that in our society, marriage is no longer sacred; that it no longer guarantees security of happiness. She reminds us that divorce is easy and marriage is now thought of as unnecessary at best. Is this a reason to throw up our hands in despair and declare the end of a noble institution? I think not!

Heather exemplifies the confusion that has infected so many in our country. Perhaps that confusion is a result of our reluctance to appear intolerant and our refusal to stand firm for the values that we received from our parents. Today, those who stand boldly for truth and morality are depicted as hateful, intolerant and politically incorrect. We are expected to not only defend and uphold lifestyles which would have been considered immoral and unnatural only decades ago, but to go beyond equality of opportunity and accord special privileges to those who choose other than the traditional family lifestyle.

This is not about hate; it is not about intolerance; it is not about denying anyone the right to happiness or the freedom to choose his own way of life. If the constitution guarantees our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, shouldn't we then show our love for our children and grandchildren by giving them a clear and unapologetic voice proclaiming that the way to true happiness is through the natural family, beginning with a traditional marriage between a man and a woman committed to remain together come what may; a voice proclaiming that anything less would cheat them of true joy and satisfaction of life and would obscure for them the difference between good and evil, between true and counterfeit, between moral and immoral. Ask a child what he would prefer. Few would choose less than a mother and father and siblings united in love and mutual support.

Perhaps the pendulum has swung far enough. Maybe now is the time for us to make a statement for truth, to attempt to turn the tide of public opinion back to a lifestyle which supports happiness and peace of mind and spirit. I hope so.


Carson City


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