Letter: Bush should be choice of truly devout voters

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Reading the Oct. 14 religion section, leading on Page 1 was an article that in general stated that both Gore and Bush were devout men of God, raised by good God-fearing parents and had that personal epiphany whereas they accepted Jesus as their personal Savior.

Just in case some of you read this and/or heard more of this moral posturing during this campaign and have taken it at face value, here are some points to ponder:

"Birds of a feather, flock together." Al Gore has run with Clinton for at least eight years, and we all know his moral depravity. Though Al Gore has proven that he can keep his pants up around young women, he has proven himself as a cheat and a liar. He has certainly circumvented many laws, rules, mores and ethics in his campaigns with Bill Clinton and then lied to save face as well as reeling off many lies and half truths during his own campaign, trying to pass them off as oversights when caught.

Personally, I can't believe that any man like Al Gore, who can immediately recount the minutia of an opponent's economic and public policies, can simply overlook important details in these stories he concocts. They are blatant attempts to mislead.

George W. Bush has made a firm stand on the right to life issue, saying, "I think that abortion should be a lot less common in this country," while Al Gore has taken his stand for choice, (a woman's choice to kill a human being at her discretion), even in the case of partial birth abortion (infanticide), saying he can't support a ban on this practice because of women's health issues. If a person knows anything, they should know that a doctor always has had and continues to have the right, even the obligation, to consider the mother's life and health over that of the baby's. So this argument holds no water, leaks like a sieve.

Gay marriage. George W. Bush opposes this while Al Gore condones it. Death penalty. There has been only one capital punishment penalty enforced under Clinton/Gore and that recently while George W. Bush has sent many deserving murderers to their just rewards.

I know that when a person becomes a Christian, there are changes in attitudes and behaviors that are more in line with the will of God and that you stand up for the things that God says are right.

Contrary to popular belief, although God does love everybody, so much that He gave his precious son's life to pay retribution for our pathetic sinful selves, he does not forgive everybody.

God has drawn the line in the sand. He hates murder, He hates sexual perversity and He hates selfishness. These things that God opposes, Al Gore stands up for. There is no way that Al Gore can be considered a hristian man, no matter how many supposedly religious men he surrounds himself with. No truly righteous man would have anything to do with this evil creature.




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