Letter: Democrats now have a new word for lying

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Apparently the Democrats now have a new word for lying - it's called embellishing! While Al Gore's campaign lies (oops, I mean "embellishments") seemingly have not caused any great harm to anyone - so far, they do tend to shed more than a few doubts on his credibility. After all, how difficult is it for someone to go from telling untruths about the small stuff to lying to the American people about matters which ultimately could affect us all?

Al Gore impresses me as being the type of person who would say, do or be anything to get elected president of the United States.

Haven't we had enough (nearly eight long years) of an administration which, to put it charitably, has not always been forthright and truthful with the American public? And like it or not, the VP was/is a part of that administration. I seriously doubt he's the "squeaky-clean innocent" he'd like us all to believe he is.

George W., on the other hand, doesn't pretend to be anything other than what he is. He's owned up to his past mistakes, which is really refreshing in this era of dishonest and lying politicians. While I don't completely agree with all facets of his agenda, I do believe he is an honest, truthful man - someone we can trust. How nice that would be after enduring two terms of scandals, lies, improprieties ad nauseum! If, hopefully, he is elected president, we can once again respect not only the office of president, but the man himself.


Carson City


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