Letter: Don't abandon marriage tradition

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In response to Kit Miller's letter regarding Question 2 in the Nevada Appeal of Oct. 25, let me say a few words on another view (setting religion aside for now).

Kit would have us abandon the standard that has worked well for thousands of years, marriage between male and female. All this for a small group because of their behavioral traits; recent studies show 1.5-2 percent of the population to be homosexual.

According to the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times, those engaged in the homosexual lifestyle on average have a higher per capita income than heterosexual. Kit's own comments on gays in government and entertainers would substantiate that to be true. I believe they have equal rights.

I have a problem in what they try to force me to accept. The homosexual agenda is much more than marriage, as set forth at the gay pride march in Washington, D.C. April 25, 1993:

- Demand the repeal of all sodomy laws and legalization of all forms of sexual expression (including pedophilia, changing age of consent laws to allow sex with youth).

- Demand defense budget funds be diverted to cover AIDS patients' medical expenses and taxpayer funding of sex change operations.

- Demand that contraceptives and abortion services be made available to all persons regardless of age.

- Demand taxpayer funding for artificial insemination of lesbians. Forbid religious based concerns regarding homosexuality from being expressed.

- Demand that organizations, such as the Boy Scouts, be required to accept homosexual scoutmasters.

Did you know? There are thousands who have left the gay lifestyle and are now in happy heterosexual lifestyles.

Did you know? Sixty-five percent of all reported AIDS cases among males in the U.S. since 1981 have been men engaged in homosexual behavior (Center for Disease Control HIV/AID surveillance report Vol. 9 No. 2 May 1998).

Homosexuals account for an overwhelming disproportionate number of cases of gonorrhea, hepatitis A and hepatitis B (Jama 1986).

Kit's criticism of the Christian church is not fair. The Christian church is no threat to homosexuals; in fact, there are several Christian ministries that minister primarily to gays.

To the contrary, the homosexual agenda is attempting to take the right of free speech from the Christians. An example is their campaign against the Boy Scouts to force them to accept teachers who do not share their belief. The Supreme Court has ruled in the scouts' favor, and yet some governments are continuing to persecute them.

The Christian church is about love, not hate. The church does have their share of hypocrites. But some government officials probably outdo them by far. A vast majority of the Christian churches teach the Bible without altering its meaning.

While some Christians (in name only) were advocating slavery, there were many others who were helping runaway slaves get their freedom. Wake up Nevada, vote yes on Question 2.




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