I would like to expand on the information contained in the article about my candidacy for the State Board of Education and Occupational Education.
I did state that I feel there is a fragmentation of the governance structure of K-12 education in Nevada.
I have found this "system " to be confusing and, at times, dysfunctional. Because the state board is the only elected body with responsibility and authority for K-12 education, it should not have its authority undermined by many "appointed" committees. if Nevadans want an elected body, then they should be concerned that there are so many non-elected committees making important decisions that impact educational policy in this state.
On the subject of proficiency exams, I stated in my interview that I believe if Nevadans want proficiency testing, and it appears they do, the exams need to be directly tied to the educational goals of Nevada.
Only this school year have the statewide standards been implemented and teachers across the state trained in these new standards. Beginning in 2001 there will be a "new" proficiency exam piloted that will be tied closely to the standards - this is the order in which things should have happened to start with. Had this been done, a lot of unnecessary anxiety for students and parents and teachers could have been avoided.
I have been an educator for 28 years including 14 as an occupational educator. Along the way, I also served three consecutive elected terms as a local school board member. My experiences have taught me a lot just as I have taught others in my career. I see the opportunity to use all of my experiences as a member of the State Board of Education and Occupational Education.
Carson City