Letter: Fetus should be protected by law

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May I respond to Abby Johnson's editorial in the Nevada Appeal Nov. 1, 2000? Yes, Abby, this election was about choice. A woman's right to choose is a defining area of difference. Abby, I agree with you that a woman has a right to choose, not only a right to choose, but also a duty to make a choice.

Where you and I part company is at the moment of conception. At that point, we now have two human beings who should be equally protected under the U.S. Constitution. The only time a woman does not have a choice is in the case of rape.

Please consider a few things some may not understand.

1. At moment of conception, that life is not a rabbit or a monkey, but a live human being. The only things added to the new human life are time and nourishment, the same for any growing human.

2. At conception, a genetic code exists.

3. At 18 days, the unborn child's heart is beating.

4. At 4 weeks, the arms and legs begin to develop.

5. At 6 weeks, the child in the womb kicks and has measurable brain waves.

6. At 8 weeks, all body systems are present and can feel pain.

7. At 10 weeks, the structure of the human body is completely formed.

Once a woman is pregnant, she already has a child. The word "choice" sounds so good; the choice in this issue is whether to have a live child or a dead child. The only difference between a child three months after conception and one three months after birth is place of residence. We hear the cry that morals can't be legislated. True, but behavior can. The law may not be able to make a man love me, but it can keep him from lynching me (Martin Luther King Jr.).

I recently saw a video taken in 1937 of smiling Japanese soldiers in China holding severed body parts from their victims. It reminded me of an abortionist doctor selling body parts.

I will never vote for a candidate who supports murder of the unborn!




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