Letter: Law inconsistent on death of unborn child

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I have waited patiently all month to have just one government official, lawmaker, attorney or anyone answer the legal question that I presented. Now I will answer my own question because I have no votes to lose, I am not running for any public office and therefore, I am at liberty to state the truth.

The law dictates that a woman has the right to abort her unborn child. A child in the womb is not a real life because the child does not function independently from the woman carrying the child. Ergo, any unborn child is not yet a living human being. In fact the Supreme Court upholds this no matter the length of the term of pregnancy by overruling the state of Nebraska in a recent case that gives the woman carrying child the right to have the skull of the child in the womb sawed open and the brains evacuated in order to facilitate the removal of the child without incurring any harm to the woman carrying this child. Her life if valid, the child's is not.

It appears that our governments have a contridictory law that must be dealt with. If the above is the law and is therefore legal, than anyone that has killed a living human woman carrying an unborn child, cannot be charged with two counts of murder. The woman has the right to terminate the birth of her child as long as it is not out of the womb. There is no proof that any woman losing her life while carrying an unborn child would have carried the child full term, and since this recent ruling byour country's highest justice court, any person charged two counts of murder, manslaughter etc, because the woman and the unborn child were both killed should only have been charged for the loss of one life; that being the woman carrying the unborn child.

Perhaps before we go to the polls and cast an intelligent ballot, we should demand some intelligent answers regarding this legal question and refuse all personal opinion regarding the moral issues.

The most appalling thing about this is that our public officials have gone beyond lying to the voters and are now lying to themselves. It is no longer about justice and upholding the laws. It has now become an issue of getting appointed or elected no matter what must be said. The truth has sadly become a very absent element in government. Our government is no longer serving us, they have instead become blatantly self-serving and we are paying them to do so.

I still wonder if there isn't anyone out there that can argue this legal question and disprove what I have written. I would not be insulted. I am however at a loss as to why so many lawyers, who are formally described as "officers of the court" would let people be unjustly charged with a death of a non-living child. It doesn't appear to be a legal charge and such cases should be reheard and amended.

Now, to pass the time while I anxiously await in a most curious state, as a happy resident of Carson City, in the great state of Nevada, I think I might just empty my mind of this legal circular argument and patronize one of our casinos. At least there I know where my money is being spent.


Carson City


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