Letter: Question 2 won't take away rights

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My sentiments exactly, Nedra Bean, in response to Heather Howe's statements on Ballot Question 2. Confusion runs rampant concerning the entire noble institution called "marriage" as we have gotten further and further away from God's available instructions. The institution is not broke, but we are and are in need of divine repair!

Heather is wondering why some of us make such a fuss against gay marriages since the sacredness of marriage seems to no longer exist. Just because some are not willing or do not have the knowledge to put into practice the ground rules and commitment to marriage doesn't mean the rules are not effective. Motorists have been known to break the rules of the road but shall we throw out the rules?

The special privileges desired by those aspiring to alternate lifestyles cannot be accepted for then the traditional camp is violated with their ultimate plans to completely invade our schools, churches, etc. with an injurious type of lifestyle which usurps the traditional values of our young people.

The Protection of Marriage Q 2 will close any loophole that remains in our present statute keeping the definition of marriage between a man and woman only.

Ballot Question 2 doesn't take away rights, it only affects the definition of marriage between one man and one woman.


Carson City


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