Sherry Betts is a wonderful person. She lives alone and has a daughter and two beautiful grandchildren. Sherry is a very competent operator for an answering service in Carson City.
She has not been to work lately because her left kidney was removed in late October due to cancer. I expected to hear her voice gain when I turned over my phones in the evening, but the cancer spread to several lymph nodes and then to both lungs. She is about to undergo immunotherapy in January (not chemotherapy). This is when the body is given medicine and nutrition to help fight the cancer by itself. She will have another operation this week for a mass in her abdominal area.
Her finances are dwindling and she has no health insurance. Her bill is currently $45,000, and the therapy in January will be an additional $50,000, She is paying what little she can but needs plenty of help.
I am asking those of you who have more than you need to please help Sherry. The little money she has is almost gone. Please send contributions (even little ones will add up) to Cal Fed Bank, 201 Telegraph St., Carson City 89703 in Sherry's name. The bank telephone number is 882-5496.
FitzHenry's Funeral Home