Senior focus: Pat Curran

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Name: Pat Curran

City of Residence: Silver Springs

How long have you lived there? Five and one-half years.

Where did you live before moving to your present home? Garden Grove, Calif.

How long have you been a volunteer at the present location? Three and one-half years.

How long have you been a volunteer overall? Five years

Specific job duties: I help where ever I am needed.

How much time do you volunteer per week? Ten hours and more.

Why and how did you become a volunteer? For something to do and to help people.

Favorite thing about volunteering: Watching people smile.

Family: One son and one brother.

If retired, former profession: Homemaker

What would you tell others to encourage them to become a volunteer? How rewarding it is to help others. It just makes you feel good about yourself.


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