Seniors on the move: Carol Antognazzi

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Name: Carol Antognazzi

City of Residence: Silver Springs

How long have you lived there? Three years

Where did you live before moving to your present home? Stagecoach

How long have you been a volunteer at the present location? Three years

How long have you been a volunteer overall? Three years

Specific job duties: Senior Center "greeter," makes change for dinner payments, Project NEON (Nevada Elders on the Net), helping with health insurance, Food Bank - help fill bags, stock food, sign in recipients, help with faxes and copy machine, make flyers, posters, list birthdays for monthly birthday board, serve meals, assist with shopping for center, drive seniors to medical appointments and shopping, deliver Meals on Wheels, dinners to take out, pick up and take home seniors, Bingo and Thrift Store.

How much time do you volunteer per week? Thirty-plus hours

Why and how did you become a volunteer? Started helping out with Food Bank, grew from there.

Favorite thing about volunteering: Meeting new people, greeting old friends.

Family: Daughters Teri and Geri, son Tony; six step-children; 20 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

If retired, former profession: School bus driver, (single parent).

What would you tell others to encourage them to become a volunteer? Try it - you'll like it.


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