Street Talk: Carson City soccer mom getting ready for new school year

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Some folks would say that Kellie Bowman is a "soccer mom" and they would be right!

"Yep, that's me,'"said a smiling Kellie as we began our visit in her Carson City home with her and daughter Cassie.

"I'm never at home ... I'm always at the soccer field."

That's because Cassie, 12, is an all-star soccer player. We'll talk more about her and soccer after we visit a little with Kellie, who is 39 and was born in Reno.

"I was born at St. Mary's Hospital but I've lived in Carson City since my birth," said Kellie. "Cassie was born at Carson-Tahoe Hospital."

Kellie's mom and dad (Bob and Karen) live in Dayton.

"Dad is 64 and retired after working over 30 years at the Nevada State Printing Office," said Kellie. "Mom works at Dayton High School in the guidance office. She worked at Carson High School - where I graduated from in 1979 - for many years. Dad does do some part-time custodian work at Dayton High School too."

Kellie is a "single mom by choice" and she likes it that way.

"It was a choice I made a long time ago and it was a good choice," she added. "I'd do it again the same way."

Kellie has three siblings. Shane is 40 , lives in Dayton and works in Carson City as a machinist for Wyman-Gordon Co. Mark is 37 and lives in Sparks where he works for the city, and Nancy is 35, lives here and works for Employers Insurance Co.

"They're all married and all have children," said Kellie, who did live in Reno for awhile because her "first job ever" was there.

"I was 20 years old and I was a warehouse worker for Curtis Industries. My uncle Paul was plant manager and he hired me. I lived in Reno for five years."

She eventually got hired by Sierra Pacific Power Co. and is a customer service representative for the company.

"In 1986 I moved back to Carson City and went to work at the Sierra Pacific office on Long Street," said Kellie. "I've been there ever since."

Daughter Cassie turns 13 in November and she's looking forward to the new school year and sports too.

"She'll be a seventh-grader at Carson Middle School this semester," said Kellie. "We just finished our school shopping. Clothes for Cassie and school supplies and things like that."

Cassie is a goalie and a forward when she plays soccer. She competes in track as well.

"I run cross country and I do track," said Cassie. "I compete in the 100 and 400 meter races and in the 4x100 relay races."

Are you fast?

"Yes, I am," replied a smiling Cassie. "I've won some races and I've lost some races and I like winning a lot better," she laughed. "I compete on the school team. Our track coach is Mr. Hostler ... He's cool."

This semester Cassie will be a member of the under-14 soccer team and will be coached by Dennis Brinson.

"He's a really good coach who motivates us and keeps everything positive," said Cassie. "Playing for him is something I like very much."


Kellie said Cassie started playing soccer at age 5 in the AYSO league in Carson City. I asked her why soccer, of all sports?

"She tried it and she liked it and was awesome," answered Kellie with a big smile. "She's been playing ever since ... She's a born soccer player. Cassie has been a AYSO all-star player the last four years. At the 1999 all-star tournament in Gardnerville Cassie won the 'Goalie War' competition and got a gold medal for that."

Cassie says she wants to continue in women's soccer when she gets older.

"I'd like to play soccer in a women's pro league someday but that doesn't exist now," said Cassie. "Maybe it will by the time I'm ready for it. I would like to later try out for the U.S. Olympic Team and I will go to college and it will be a college that provides a good education and has a women's soccer team."

Her mom agrees with all that.

"Cassie is a straight-A student," said Kellie proudly. "We'll pick a college when the time comes."

When she's not a soccer mom - "at least I don't drive a van!" - Kellie likes to spend time with Cassie and with family.

"With so much family so close we do a lot of family stuff together," Kellie said happily. "We like living in Carson City and living a lifestyle we enjoy."

Hope all of you out there in Carson Country are doing the same .... I know I am.

(ALAN ROGERS is a Nevada Appeal columnist. His message phone is 887-2430, ext. 402.)


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