Carson City Christian Women's Club invites the public to a "Buy or Bid Boutique," their annual Craft Fair and Auction.
The event will be at the Sierra Nevada Golf Ranch, 2901 Jacks Valley Road, Genoa, 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 19.
"The club needs the public's help to have a successful craft fair," said Leona Alexander. "They are looking for donations of crafts, baked goods, handsewn items, ornaments and gift baskets."
For information, call 883-8875 or Bobbie Parker at 882-1187.
The luncheon speaker will be Barbara Cozby of Coarsegold, Calif., who will share "California Native to Southern Bell." The musical guest is Kandas Myer of Carson City.
Tickets are $16.50 inclusive. Reservations need to be made by Oct. 12. Cancellations are essential. Childcare provided by reservation only, call 829-1413.