Gas pirces take cash from our pockets

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Gasoline prices in Carson City have increased far greater than most places across the nation. Major news networks keep reminding the public daily that unleaded regular will reach $2 per gallon in late spring and summer! If this happens, one can surmise we will see it rise to at least $2.50 here.

Despite all the talk about OPEC and production, there surely must be some answers to solve the problem and reduce costs. The administration claims we are enjoying the greatest economy in decades! If so, how much of one's take-home pay is now needed to purchase fuel, not only for cars, but home heating, etc.? Why is Nevada so fortunate to help lead the pack when it comes to high gasoline prices?

I say it is time we urge our representatives and the administration to take some action to deal with this problem now. Thousands commuting to and from work daily must be having a difficult time making ends meet, primarily because of the cost of fuel.

If you haven't done so, look at the lines of cars all trying to buy gas at the stations where prices are lower! A raise of over 50 cents in less than six weeks is terrible. Maybe the Federal Reserve Chairman, the administration and Congress should make this a top priority project and take action to solve the problem promptly.

There is no difference between higher gas prices and higher interest rates; both are money out of our pockets that we can ill afford with many on fixed incomes.


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