Indian Hills board should get to business

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I have resided in Indian Hills for 11 years and have attended numerous district meetings. I am disgusted by the behavior of some board members. Their attacks on staff go beyond ridiculous. I am sure they would not tolerate such behavior in their own work place. These attacks only serve to undermine morale and diminish productivity.

The constant badgering of the general manager is unconscionable. Jim Bentley was hired to oversee staff, report to the board on the ongoing affairs of the district and follow board direction in regard to contract management and project development. How can the general manager perform his job efficiently when the board does not handle business efficiently? The board should not bring items to the table repeatedly unless significant information has become known that would alter previous decisions. District business should be concluded in a timely manner. The only reason I can see for having meetings last until after midnight is because board members have not done their homework or are acting in a manner they do not want the public to witness. I implore this board to become more efficient. If you need more information, contact the general manager before meetings and request further information.

I should like to address the issue of the community center/office at James Lee Memorial Park. The issue of whether or not to build the community center/office at James Lee Memorial Park should not be an issue. The residents of Indian Hills were clear when we said that is where we want it built. The patent obtained on the park lands was obtained because of the intent to build a community center at that site. RCT funds were approved because of the intent to build a community center at that site. The only issue remaining is how the district will finance the project. You should expend your efforts and those of the general manager on resolving the financing of the project. Direct Jim Bentley to bring some solid financing to the table, choose the best alternatives for the residents of the district and conclude this business.


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