RENO - Northern Nevada Latino Network's committee to aid Venezuela's flood victims will be finalizing their donation drive next week.
A storage unit housing a large portion of the food and medicines donated was recently vandalized and many items were lost. Committee members hope the pubic's response in this final week will be enough to make up for the loss.
The items collected will be shipped to Miami the first week of March. Venezuelan National Guard will then transport them to victims in need.
About 50,000 people drowned or were buried by the floods in mud slides that affected nine northern Venezuelan states; 400,000 others lost their homes, local sources said.
The network is asking people to donate medicine, tents, portable stoves, baby food, water and blankets. Monetary donations can be made directly to the Venezuelan Relief Fund at any Bank of America branch, account 004961608783.
Donations can be made throughout the week at Videocentro, 2765 E. Highway 50, 882-8746.
For information contact the relief committee at 786-8843 or call Nicolas Martinez, 747-1847.