Letter: Abortion as an issue won't just fade away

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The issue of abortion will not go away. At the moment the Republicans (properly pronounced Re-pub-li-cant's) are disputing inclusion of a "pro-life" plank in the platform. A Carson City delegate said,"Abortion is a moral issue and you can't legislate morality."

We should be used to hearing such inane drivel by now. The truth in this matter is that we always legislate morality. Laws against theft, murder, mayhew, prostitution, slander, libel, and slavery are just a few examples.

The Democrats (correctly pronounced Death-o-crats) have embraced abortion as a rally point for child-sacrifice and the whole murderous conglomerate of baby killing businesses, subsidized by tax dollars. That is a "moral" choice. More accurately an immoral choice.

Pro-abortion Republicants have run on pro-life platforms in the past. It is part of the famous "big tent" philosophy that winning is more important than morals.

The Deathocrats, on the other hand, aborted morals long ago.

What is more interesting than the platform plank is the fact that it got accepted at all. There must be some Constitutionalists in the convention body. There must ne some people concerned with the American Documents that include valuing all life regardless or place of residency (even the womb), and age or developmental status.

The abortion of the Bill of Rights has been furthered by this current administration with fervor, perhaps the most obvious being the 1st and second amendments to the Constitution. No where in the Constitution is there a "right" to execute ones own offspring. That was a adopted in immoral decisions by "the Supremes" in 1973.

The Declaration of Independence indicates there is a gift from Diety referred to as the Right to Life. There is no right to child sacrifice.

The issue will not go away.

Rev. Dan Schmucker

Las Vegas, Nevada


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