Letter: Don't bring bad habits to Nevada highways

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The front page news article about all the accidents on Hiway 395 (Friday, June 16, Appeal) has prompted me to write to comment.

The other day, when going to dinner at friends, I was personally amazed at the traffic and the high number of "idiot," stressed, aggressive and wreckless driving on the stretch of 395 to Minden/Garderville.

I thought, boy has this changed! It was like a California freeway! Then I realized that most of the people living down there are from California.

Now I don't want to sound anti-Californian, as I am one who has loved living in Nevada for the last 10 years, but I must say that so many of the new residents who said they were so happy to get out of California, its traffic, stressed people, crime, etc., etc. have brought the same to Nevada with them.

I think the Nevada DMV should stress to new licensees in this state that traffic laws (and laws in general) are enforced in Nevada. It's not California, where police and Highway Patrol keep "one eye closed" and never curtail the progressively worse way in which Californians drive!

Again, I am an "ex" Californian, but I would say to the many new California residents in Nevada to "chill out," start driving like sane people, and don't try to "Californicate" the Silver State with all the things you ran away from in California, when you moved here!


Washoe Valley