Letter: law enforcement

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I wish to thank Deputy Kurt E. Davis for his letter in response to William Kelly Jones. Both of these letters were in the Appeal in August 1999. I am sorry for my late response in support of your letter, Kurt.

Kurt said, "The true power of government originates from the people of the community, working together with them."

I wish to add: The true power of law enforcement is when the people of the community work together with law enforcement personnel in identifying those people who choose to break the law, with no regard to the innocent victims that are injured or killed.

Unfortunately, criminals have more rights than victims today. We can thank the American Civil Liberties Union, which uses taxpayer money to undermine our criminal justice system.

For more than 30 years, my wife and I have raised children in our fine city. We were fortunate to have them survive their youth, thanks to the devoted deputies in our sheriffs department.

We always taught our children to respect the law and the law enforcement officers. They, in turn, have taught our grandchildren the same important values.

I have had many experiences with our deputies. They have always been helpful, devoted human beings just like you and me.

All of us - parents, children, grandparents, public officials - should support our deputies rather than criticize them. We must:

1. Set a good example by respecting the law and officers.

2. Speak up to our peers that do not respect the law and officers.

3. Educate our peers, children, grandchildren to do Nos. 1 and 2, as well as making sure they follow the rules and/or the laws we have always done as we grew up in America.

4. Appreciate the rights and privileges we have enjoyed as Americans instead of complaining about negative feelings and thoughts we have created in ourselves.

5. We should and must encourage, love and respect instead of hate.

I want Kurt E. Davis and all the deputies to know that I really appreciate their efforts and dedication to protect the citizens of Carson City. Thank you for your caring attitude, which I have enjoyed in my dealings with you.

Especially, thank you for risking your lives for us every day.

Please, all you citizens out there, think and active positively. Our cup is half full, not half empty. Work with our deputies and all law enforcement personnel, not against them.


Carson City


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