Letter: Senior Citizen Center

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This letter is in response to your front page article on Nov. 7 regarding the Carson City Senior Citizen Center. I am a 71-year-old working senior citizen and have lived in Carson City over 20 years. One of the many reasons I chose to live in Nevada, specifically, Carson City, is that it supports its senior citizens.

I found Rhonda Costa-Landers' article very upsetting and one-sided. It appears a very small number of volunteers are attempting to take away from the enormous amount of good that this center has provided the seniors of Carson City for over 10 years. Due to my work schedule, I am not always able to participate in the many activities and lunches that the center provides. However, I have taken advantage of the legal and Social Security services which the center provides. Colleen Howell, Senior Services manager, and Dee Johnson, receptionist, also informed me of several support groups that were of personal interest to me.

Upon each of my visits to the center, I have always been greeted by warm, friendly, helpful and caring staff members and volunteers. Anytime I have called to inquire about activities and services or gone to the center, it has been a very positive and informative experience. I feel our senior center needs to be focused on in a very positive manner due to the vast resources of information and activities they continually provide year-round to the seniors of our community.

I have numerous neighbors and friends who receive Meals on Wheels. I have only heard words of praise for the wonderful meals and the brief moments of friendly contact which the drivers provide to them.

I would like to urge the senior citizens of Carson City to speak out against Sunday's article by writing letters to the editor or the senior citizen center in support of the wonderful staff and services. We have a lot of seniors retiring to our community and they should know the truth about Carson City's Senior Citizen Center.


Carson City


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