Western Nevada Community College has hired its first outreach coordinator, Meg Kinney, who will be doing several things to increase awareness of the college within its 18,000-square-mile service area.
Her plans include coordinating new programs to entice visitors on to campuses.
Creating a greater presence among the high schools served by WNCC.
Kinney's experience includes three-and-a-half years as a student development specialist at Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno and working for The College of New Jersey as an advisor to 150 student organizations.
Kinney plays a key role in the college's emphasis on developing new programs and creating greater awareness of what is offered.
As an example, the WNCC Student Services Division is inviting high school graduates from the class of 2001 and their parents to a free barbecue and live music on Wednesday on the Carson City campus.
A similar event will be held on Aug. 8, on the Fallon campus.