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-- Carson City Special Olympics' board, parents and volunteers meet at 7 p.m. at Eagle Valley Children's Home, 2300 Eagle Valley Ranch Road. Call 267-4165, 883-6856.

-- Carson City Chapter of Retired Public Employees of Nevada meet at 2 p.m. at the Carson City Senior Citizens Center, 911 Beverly Drive. Guest speaker is Jayme Graney, health fair coordinator for Washoe Health Systems. Call 882-5899.

-- American Made Band and Blue Flame perform at the Carson Valley Inn in Minden, 9 p.m. each night. Call 782-9711.

-- Comedians Vinnie Favorito and Scott Kennedy on stage at The Improv at Harrah's Lake Tahoe. Call 588-6611.

-- A Fantastic Fans display, 1-3 p.m. Friday through Sunday at the Historical Roberts House Museum, 1207 N. Carson St. Tour admission, $3 per person. Call 887-8865.