A memorial service celebrating the life of Harold B. Wright, 78, will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at Walton's Chapel of the Valley, 1281 N. Roop St. in Carson City.
Mr. Wright died Sept. 28, 2001, at Carson Health Care in Carson City. He was born Dec. 25, 1922 in Stewart to Robert and Lucy Smart Wright.
A lifetime resident in Carson City, he served in the Army during World War II and the Korean conflict. He was an engineer for the state of Nevada and was instrumental in obtaining the land to build Governor's Field in Carson City. He also helped draw the maps for the World War II Normandy Invasion.
He is survived by his wife, Angie; his son, Harry; and daughter, Julie Giese of Simi Valley, Calif.
Memorial donations can be sent to Carson City Babe Ruth League in care of Jeannine Whittenberg, 1877 Divot Road, Carson City, NV 89701.