What's the job market for auditors in
northern Nevada? What do they make?
How about truck drivers? Tool and die
makers? Registered nurses?
A first-of-its-kind study of occupations
in Reno, Sparks and Carson City
takes a deep look at the outlook for 20
careers, and the study's sponsors plan to
expand its scope to include 60 job categories
during the next three years.
The 2002 Occupational Outlook
Report is designed to be used by
employers, workers considering job
changes, economic development specialists
and school officials, said
Benjamin Larson, marketing coordinator
for Reno-based NevadaWorks.
NevadaWorks sponsored the report,
and its contractors completed the project
which was budgeted at $50,000
for $42,000.
"We can take it to school or community
colleges, and we can now show
them what employers are looking for,"
Larson said.
He said the study also is expected to
be a tool for economic development.
"We cannot have economic development
without workforce development,"
he said. That's an assessment shared by
Chuck Alvey, chief executive and president
of The Economic Development
Authority of Western Nevada.
"The first thing most companies and
site selectors ask about is the work force
and real estate," Alvey said.
The figures in this year's outlook
report will be updated every three years,
Larson said. In the meantime,
NevadaWorks will examine 20 more
jobs next year and 20 more the year
after that.
For each career, the report looks at factors
* The supply and demand for the career
and the types of companies that hire.
* Educational and experience requirements.
* Salaries and benefits for workers with
varied levels of experience.
* Promotion opportunities.
* Recruitment strategies used by companies
in the business.
This year's set of 20 occupations is
weighted heavily toward high-technology
programmers, software engineers,
computer support specialists and
the like. Future studies, Larson said, will
cut a broad swath across the economy.
NevadaWorks is a two-year-old non-profit
How to get the How to get the report
Copies of the 2002 Occupational Outlook Report are free. They can be
downloaded in PDF format from www.nevadaworks.com or received
by calling Benjamin Larson at NevadaWorks, (775) 284-1339. The 20
careers studied in the 2002 Occupational Outlook Report are:
* Accountants and auditors
* Bookkeeping, accounting and
auditing clerks
* Carpenters
* Computer and office-machine
* Computer programmers
* Computer software engineers
* Computer support specialists
* Computer system analysts
* Database administrators
* Electronics engineers
* Electrical and electronic
equipment assemblers
* First-line supervisors and
managers of operating
* Heating, air conditioning
and refrigeration mechanics
* Licensed practical and
vocational nurses
* Machinists
* Purchasing managers
* Registered nurses
* Tool and die makers
* Truck drivers
(heavy or tractor-trailer)
* Welders, cutters, solders
and brazers