United Way seeks execs it can borrow

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United Way of Northern Nevada and

the Sierra is recruiting loaned executives

or the cash to pay for a campaign

executive if companies don't have people

to spare.

Loaned executives undertake analysis,

planning and execution of United Way

campaigns in workplaces.

Kristie Traver, campaign director for

United Way, said companies that provide

loaned executives benefit as employees

receive training, network with other community

leaders and develop skills in sales,

planning, presentation and organization.

She said successful loaned executives

are enthusiastic self-starters with experience

in sales or working with the public.

Organizations unable to loan a person

instead can sponsor an individual.

Sponsorships are $10,800 for 27 weeks or

$6,800 for the autumn.

Interested? Contact Traver at United

Way, (775) 333-8279 or e-mail her at
