Bordewich-Bray first grader Zachary Wishart, 7, listens intently during storytime. The first-graders spent storytime in the library, which was relocated in the basement of the Brewery Arts Center performance hall. | Photo by Rick Gunn
Students from Bordewich-Bray Elementary School returned Tuesday to find half of their school missing.
"It was creepy," said fourth-grader Johnny Schwing, 9. "It looks strange. It doesn't even look like our school."
Last year, five portable buildings behind the school were found to be infested with three types of toxic mold and were demolished over the summer.
The library and music, reading and English-as-a-second-language classes were relocated to the basement of the Brewery Arts Center Performance Hall.
Although no classes were held there Tuesday, each class was given a tour of the new classrooms.
"We're trying to acclimate the students to the new situation today," said vice principal Pat Beckwith. "Today is to reacquaint them with the old routine and show them everything that's new. I think it's going to work out really well."
Eileen Jansse and Jackie Geraets-Rauh led their first-graders across Thompson Street -- which is closed during school hours -- to show them the new library and other classes.
"We walked across the street and our teacher showed us where to go," said Mikayla Standefer, 6. "I liked the garden."
Librarian Sharon Arno helped the students acquaint themselves with the new library.
"This is your section for first- and second-graders," she explained. "It's marked with an 'E' for everyone. And when you leave, you will go up the ramp but please do not put your hands on the wood -- there are lots of splinters."
District officials will ask voters to approve a $3.75 million bond in November to replace the portable classrooms with a permanent addition to the Bordewich building, consolidating the seven-building campus into one large school.
Bordewich Elementary School is 62 years old and has served as both Carson Junior High and Carson High School.
The proposed bond would not raise taxes.