Business vs. business

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Why are some businesses at the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center trying to put the squeeze on Storey County commissioners by filing lawsuits against a proposed brothel?

The answer has nothing to do with morals and everything to do with money. As a matter of principle, however, Storey commissioners hold the high ground.

Lance Gilman, who developed the massive industrial park, now plans to open a Wild Horse Canyon Ranch and Spa brothel a short distance away, in Storey's river district off Interstate 80.

The brothel's not in the industrial park, but that hasn't prevented three nearby industrial businesses from filing lawsuits trying to stop it.

While the businesspeople have been espousing platitudes about the unsavory nature of brothels as the reason for opposing the Wild Horse, they're also asking for tax relief from Storey County and alleging their property values will decrease because of the presence of the brothel.

Excuse us while we scoff.

Set aside the moralizing, and you'll see the brothel issue is strictly about money. And the principle being espoused is one we don't think any business will want to see used as a precedent.

It pits one legal business against another: "We don't think we're going to like our new neighboring business," is the message from Kal Kan, DP Properties and Roybridge Investments, "so we want the county government to block it."

We'd hate to see that argument taken to its logical conclusion, especially based on evidence as flimsy as "it will give Northern Nevada a black eye."

Five other legal brothels already exist in the general vicinity. Who's to say what "undesirable" business might next attract someone's attention -- a casino? A tavern? A tattoo parlor? A kitty-litter mine? A gas-manufacturing plant?

Kal Kan, DP Properties and Roybridge Investments should go back to doing what they do best, which is not trying to play politics in Storey County. The commissioners don't need the aggravation.


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