Candidates who failed to file contribution and expense reports sued

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The Nevada Attorney General's Office is suing 18 candidates who failed to file contribution and expense reports or filed late and won't pay their fines.

The list includes Carson City contractor and Justice of the Peace candidate Roland Weddell as well as several improvement district, school and town board candidates from western Nevada.

All candidates for elective office are required to file a series of three contribution and expense reports during the election cycle. Failure to do so is a violation of state law with fines that increase to $100 a day as the violation continues. The maximum fine for each candidate can be up to $5,000.

Secretary of State Dean Heller has said candidates have no excuse since each is provided with documentation listing the reports required when they file for office and each signs an agreement swearing they understand the law and agree to comply.

Heller sent the list of delinquent candidates to the attorney general for prosecution this past fall.

"I take my responsibility to require candidates to adhere to Nevada's disclosure statutes very seriously," Heller said.

"One of the responsibilities of this office is to represent constitutional officers so, on behalf of the secretary of state, we are pursuing these lawsuits," Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa said.

She said before the lawsuit was filed, both her office and Heller's office sent several notices to each delinquent candidate informing them they must file the reports or face fines.

Weddell was tardy, but did file all three reports totaling some $11,775 in contributions late in his race for Carson City JP. He pulled out at the last minute and was defeated by incumbent Robey Willis.

Candidates named in the lawsuit are:

Name Contributions Race Offense

-- Marion Bennett, $5,750, North Las Vegas Assembly, didn't file report 3

-- Vickie Cross, $3,275, Nye School Board, report 2 late

-- Chuck Geshlider, $15,000, Pahrump Town Board, no reports filed

-- Byron Goynes, $5,150, Clark Assembly, all reports late

-- Christopher Grant, $25, Clark Assembly, report 2 late

-- Craig Jorgenson, $15,000, Nye District Judge, no filings

-- Robert Koger, $5,000, Humboldt Fire District, didn't file report 3

-- Danny Lunsford, $10,050, Fernley Town Board, didn't file reports 2 & 3

-- Carol McCracken, $50, Storey School Board, report 3 late

-- Verla Purdy, $75, Nye Public Administrator, report 2 late

-- Chester Richardson, $15,000, Clark Assembly, no reports filed

-- Sean Ryan, $225, Fernley Swim Pool GID, report 1 late

-- Bradley Smith, $225, Clark Assembly, report 2 late

-- Diane Titus, $15,000, Fernley Swim Pool GID, no filings

-- Jeff White, $5,100, Clark County Commission, didn't file report 3

-- Lee Wilson, $525, Storey School Board, report 1 late

-- Jane Wisdom, $25, Pahrump Town Board, report 1 late


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