Andy Bucy of San Diego cools down on the water slide at the Carson Aquatic Center Tuesday afternoon. photo by Rick Gunn
How hot was it on Tuesday in Carson City? Never hotter.
Hundred-degree heat gripped the capital city when the mercury oozed past the record of 98 degrees for the date set in 1973.
According to the National Weather Service, Accuweather Forecast and Station 3 of the Carson City Fire Department, which supplies the local temperature to both, that's as hot as it got.
It may have seemed even hotter. Drivers looking at the new sign at the Carson City Library would have seen 106 degrees at 5 p.m.
On Highway 50 at the Pi-on Plaza, the sign read 104 at 6 p.m.
Record temperatures for Carson City haven't ever been much hotter than that.
But this week's forecasts, if accurate, will surpass the hottest days ever recorded in Carson City -- 103 degrees. The temperature was set on four separate dates -- Sept. 3,1950; July 18 and 19, 1960 and Aug. 8, 1972.
Today a high of 101 is expected, followed by 102 on Thursday and the potential for as high as 104 over the weekend, said Al Cox, forecaster with the National Weather Service.
For those dog days ahead, the Carson City Fire Department suggests people take it easy.
"Basically you should be drinking twice as much water as you think you need. If you wait it could be too late," said John Arneson, firefighter and paramedic with Station 3 on Snyder Avenue. " Stay out of the heat, stay in an air conditioned area if you can."
Arneson suggests for people without air conditioning to open their windows at night and in the morning, allowing the house to get as cool as it can, before shutting it tight as the temperature rises.
"And avoid strenuous activities," he said.
The mercury has reached 105 degrees in Reno three times since record-keeping began in 1872, the National Weather Service said.
Reno's hottest day was 106 degrees on July 20, 1931, state climatologist John James said Tuesday.
That reading was recorded at the U.S. Weather Bureau office atop the four-story Oddfellows Building in downtown Reno, he said.
"It stayed above 100 degrees from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and topped out that day at 2 p.m. at 106," James said.
"The day before it stayed above 100 degrees for one hour longer ... until 4:40 p.m., but the maximum was only 105," he said.
The 1931 heat wave accounted for Reno's most consecutive days of 100 degrees or hotter -- six days from July 18 to July 23. Readings of 100 degrees also were recorded July 26 and 27 of that year, for a monthly record total of eight days in excess of the century mark, James said.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.