Baley plays for parents

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Gerald and Rosemary Baley did not see the task of caring for their mentally challenged son -- diagnosed with cerebral palsy as a child -- as daunting or overwhelming. Their love for Tim was great and they made their lives work with prayer, friends and the grace of God.

Tim, 49, is now reciprocating for his parents -- he is performing a benefit concert to help the family.

Gerald, 84, has cancer; Rosemary, 75, has degenerative bone disease involving her spine and both shoulders, causing constant pain, and Tim is in need of extensive dental work.

In spite of all their woes, the family has always been willing to help others at every opportunity.

"They (Baley family) are beautiful people," said Peck Nagel, coordinator of the benefit concert.

"They are always doing for others. But when they started having a terrible onslaught of problems, I was broken hearted about the way things were going for them. I felt badly for them."

Nagel said so many times people would call the Baleys when they needed something, or ask Tim to play at a convalescent center or private home. She would like the public to be aware that the Baleys are now in need and to please show their support.

"It's not that people are uncaring, they just don't know. And if they don't know, they can't show their love. I decided to let them know they are loved, so we are doing this benefit concert -- to give back the blessings they have showed others. Everyone involved has been wonderful.

"Tim is made up of the simplicity of a child's heart. He just loves everyone."

The concert Tim will perform is called "Reflections of Our Beautiful World." In addition to Tim's performing, Nagel's son, Ted, will sing.

Ted is the youngest of the Nagel's eight children. Due to a birth defect, Ted is a quadriplegic.

"Ted's a magnificent computer buff," said Peck. "The other kids call him with their problems and they are just amazed at what he knows and that he can help them."

Tim can be found at The Sizzler Restaurant on North Carson Street Thursday through Sunday playing music for the evening diners. Tim is not an employee of the restaurant; he performs for tips only.

"The restaurant said they were getting calls asking if and when Tim would be performing," said Rosemary. "Due to fire regulations, it didn't look like Tim was going to be able to perform there. There was no place for him to safely have his keyboard and perform.

"But Henry and Dan, the managers, they found a way. Tim's out of the way and he's now there seven days a week. Tim just loves it. He loves to play."

"It was a little difficult at first trying to figure out a location," said Sizzler Manager Henry Laird.

"But after moving around a couple of vending machines, it's worked out pretty good. We've gotten good response from the customers. We just turn down the overhead stereo and they listen to Tim. Everyone thoroughly enjoys it. He's here from about 4:30 p.m. to closing. "

Tim, also an accomplished artist, has his drawings on display at The Sizzler. They are all for sale.

"It's pretty spectacular," Rosemary said of the benefit concert.

"We never dreamed this would ever happen, Tim caring for us. We're just blown away.

"But from what he's contributed to the world makes up for what we've been through. Tim just loves to play."

Baley has given concerts around the world. He has traveled to Russia with the Rev. Ken Haskins of the First Christian Church, performed at the White House twice, at the Pentagon, Kennedy Center, appeared in a surprise performance on national television with Liberace with whom he played a duet, appeared on Geraldo, Sally Jesse Raphael, "Good Morning America," the 700 Club and many more documentaries and news shows.

Baley has received the coveted "Communication and Leadership'' award from Toastmasters International, was chosen as one of the Talented Twelve (only performing artist) in 1990 Christian Media Directory, and has had his art work selected for major art shows including; the 200th anniversary of the U.S. Capitol building, Rose Kennedy's 100th birthday celebration and in 1990, the Anaheim Art Association presented him with the 1990 Cultural Arts Achievement Award. The first such award given in the 27-year history of the Association. Plus many, many more.


WHAT: "Reflections of Our Beautiful World" Benefit Concert

WHEN: 7-9 p.m. March 9

WHERE: St. Gall Community Center, 1343 Centerville Lane, Gardnerville

COST: Free, donations accepted

DONATIONS: Baley Family Trust, 1350-20 Centerville Lane, Gardnerville, 89410

INFO: 783-1187


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