Photo By Brian CorleyThe intersection of Carson Street and College Parkway on Monday was found to be the most dangerous intersection in Carson City and Douglas County.
More people have been injured at Carson Street and College Parkway than at any other state intersection in Carson City and Douglas County.
According to state figures, Carson City is home to the top three intersections in the two counties for injury accidents between Nov. 1, 1998, and Oct. 31, 2001.
Carson Street and College Parkway was tops with 30 injury accidents. Second was William and Roop streets, with 24 injury accidents, while Winnie Lane and Carson Street was third with 23 injury accidents.
"We have a lot of intersections in Carson City that we have to be concerned about," said Lt. Ray Saylo, patrol supervisor with the Carson City Sheriff's Department.
Saylo cited other examples of dangerous intersection in Carson City: Fifth and Saliman streets, Roop and Fifth streets, and Long and Roop streets.
"The traffic system in Carson City was not designed for the amount of traffic it has, so no matter what you do, it's not going to fix the problem. You're stuck. The best thing is for people to be patient and not hurry. You have to realize an average trip from south of town to the north part of town may have taken five minutes 10 years ago, but takes 15 minutes."
Saylo said other problem intersections have been remedied by unusual solutions.
The once-dangerous Roop Street and College Parkway intersection received a "snake," or concrete barrier, to separate the lanes and keep people from going straight across, cutting down the number of accidents.
"The cross traffic was the problem there," he said.
Fifth Street and Edmonds Drive has a roundabout and despite an occasional fender bender from improper use, traffic moves more freely and isn't as backed up as years' past, he said.
"The roundabout has helped tremendously. People might not like it, but it worked," Saylo said.
Just south of Carson City, the intersection of Mica Drive and Highway 395 produced more injury accidents, 22, than any other in Douglas County.
However, the only fatal accident on the list of 10 occurred at the intersection at Kingsbury Grade and Highway 50.
A total of 18 injury accidents occurred at the intersection located just east of Stateline, with one fatality during the three-year period.
Lt. Steven Orr, head of patrol at the Douglas County Sheriff's Department, said deputies already pay close attention to the enforcement of traffic laws at the intersections. He said drivers who race to get through yellow lights may be part of the problem.
"It's not just isolated to that area," Orr said. "It's a national trend. People with busy lives are not planning far enough ahead. It just seems like any time of day people are trying to make the last second of a yellow light."
"People have to realize there's a heavy volume of traffic. They need to be patient, take it easy give, yourself some extra time and if you get cut off remain patient. There's a lot of traffic out there so we have to be a lot more attentive," Saylo said.
Top five dangerous Carson-Douglas crossings
Intersection Wrecks Injuries Fatalities
Hwy 395 & College Parkway 61 30 0
Roop & William Streets 42 24 0
Hwy 395 & Winnie Lane 44 23 0
Hwy 395 & Mica Drive 29 22 0
Hwy 50 & Kingsbury Grade 34 18 1