Tom Blomquist found this Rottweiler chained up in front of his yard along with eight puppies. One of the remaining puppies has found a home, but the mother and one other puppy are still homeless. Blomquist provides homes for numerous dogs in Lyon County and is seeking homes for several others. Photo by Brian Corley
A Silver Springs humane shelter for injured and abandoned animals needs to find a home for one of its newest visitors.
Rosie was found chained to an abandoned motor home off Kit Kat Road in Lyon County last week by a local worker. With eight puppies scattered about, the Rottweiler had no water or food and was suffering from eye infections.
"I was just in utter shock," said Kathi Unruh. "When I talk about it, I still get really stressed."
Unruh first called the Lyon County Animal Shelter and was told that if the county responded the puppies would be euthanized, she said. Fearing the worst, Unruh then called Tom and Lee Blomquist at the Silver Springs Spay-Neuter Project who responded to care for the dog within an hour.
The couple brought food, water and medical care for Rosie and her puppies. Six of the puppies were adopted before the couple took Rosie and the remaining two puppies to their home.
The Blomquists spent $400 to build a dog run for Rosie and her puppies and are nursing her back to health. The unexpected cost caused Tom Blomquist to be late on the mortgage, but he said it was worth it.
"At the end of life, I'd rather know that we did something to save Rosie and the pups," Tom Blomquist said.
Rosie will be ready for a home in two to three weeks, after she is fully healed.
Since 1995, the couple has helped spay and neuter animals and nurse many back to health. The Silver Springs property is now home to 20 dogs and nine cats, several who are blind, deaf and diabetic.
The couple pays most of the costs out of their own pockets but is always looking for donations. "We're going to do it with or without anybody's help," Tom Blomquist said.
For more information about Rosie, call the Silver Springs Spay-Neuter Project at 577-3518.