Taking a look at Model City USA

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During the past 13 years, I've had the

outstanding opportunity to work as the

executive director, for the Northern

Nevada Development Authority in Carson

City. Recently, I've changed careers and

now work for Shaw

Construction in business


My responsibilities

in economic development


assisting company

expansion and new

business recruitment for the region. It was

a very rewarding experience as over 200

companies moved into the area and 98

expanded their operations, creating

approximately 5,000 new, primary jobs.

Anyway, I wanted to share some

insights as to what these clients were looking

for when they examined areas to relocate

their families and companies. Based

on specifications submitted by these

clients, and on final location or expansion

decisions made, there emerges a picture of

the community which the average business

considers "perfect." Here is my outline:

"Model City, USA" is a small city with

a steadily growing population. (About two

- thirds of all of relocating or expanding

clients were moving to communities of less

than 100,000 population, or communities

close to major cities.)

The "Model" community has an honest

government that delivers maximum

service to the people for each tax dollar.

Model has a professional county or city

manager who reports to a board of directors

or supervisors which includes responsible

local business and civic leaders. There

is an active two-party system and a high

percentage of the voters cast ballots in

every election.

Model has a comprehensive planning

and zoning program delivered with professional

advice and assistance. Residential

areas are protected from industrial growth,

and industrial area is protected from residential

encroachment. There is a longrange

plan for providing major roads and

bypasses as required by increasing traffic.

Construction of school facilities in

Model is keeping pace with rising

enrollment, so there are no double sessions

or overcrowded classrooms. The

high school and community college are

protective and responsive to reflect

changing business needs.

Model has an effective law enforcement

program, as indicated by a crime rate substantially

below the national average.

Similarly, a good insurance rating indicates

the fire department is efficient.

There have been no water shortages in

Model or limitations on the use of water.

The sewer system and wastewater treatment

plant are totally updated.

Model can offer a new resident

excellent medical facilities. The ratio of

hospital beds per 1,000 population is

well above the national average, as is

the ratio of doctors per population.

There are churches for all of the faiths,

and local membership is high.

Evidence of local interest in cultural

pursuits may be seen in many local museums

-- not musty vaults, but active community

centers rich with art and music

classes for youngsters and adults alike.

Keen civic awareness is further evidenced

in Model by the existence of an alert

newspaper and busy radio stations.

When you visit Model, you can

choose between a new hotel on the

outskirts of town or a newly remodeled

hotel downtown. You'll find good food

and service at reasonable prices. For a

city of its size, Model has fine transportation

service regarding air, truck

and nearby rail. Utility rates are fair

and their services are exceptional.

A firm locating a plant in Model will

have no difficulty finding adequate

employees. This does not mean that there

are large number of unemployed, but that

such trends as a vital, growing economy

are resulting in an increased pool of available

labor. Further, the new employer is

happy to note good relations between

labor and the industries already located in

the area. Model is in the state with a Right

To Work Law and intends to keep it.

There are no unions in manufacturing.

The cost of producing goods in Model

is below the national average, not because

of low wage rates, but because of high efficiency

and productivity inherent in the

character of the labor force.

The distribution of the tax burden on

industries, individuals and other interests is

considered to be fair and reasonable in

Model. The per capita debt is low. There

are no giveaways or freebies for the industry,

but government officials are noted for

fine cooperation.

There are alert groups in Model ready

to assist in financing a new plant or helping

with an expansion.

Model is fortunate in that its well-balanced

economy includes such major

sources of revenue as farm products, government,

retail services, mining, tourism,

and a variety of manufacturing. No one

operation dominates the economy.

In short, Model is a healthy community

in every respect. It's a city without

urban congestion, growing with a minimum

of growing pains. It's prosperous

now, and it's going to be even more prosperous

in the years ahead. Its citizens take

pride in its accomplishments and share a

determination to make Model even more

of a model in the future.

One of the outstanding factors in

Model's favor is the wealth of recreational

opportunities available. The climate favors

outdoor activities and there are wide

opportunities for swimming, boating,

camping, fishing, hunting, skiing, and

many other events. Tourism is, in fact, a

substantial business area. "Quality of Life"

is the icing on the cake.We let visitors

know that they can have their cake and eat

it too. You can be a yuppie, cowboy or live

whatever lifestyle you want. It's one of the

last frontiers in this world.

Can you hear me now?

Kris Holt is longtime observer of civic and

business developments in the region.