Guardsman enjoys position

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There was one specific goal Philip Kerrigan wanted to meet when he decided 22 years ago on a career in the Army National Guard.

With his recent appointment as one of only five battalion commanders in the state, some could consider Kerrigan's mission accomplished.

That is -- if he were the kind of man who rested.

"I'm a workaholic," the 40-year-old lieutenant colonel said from his office at the Nevada Army National Guard complex on Fairview Drive in Carson City. "I love what I do."

Kerrigan's new position will not interfere with his full-time assignment as a the Army Guard's organizational maintenance manager.

The father of three girls -- Julia, 11, Holly, 8 and Megan, 4 -- and husband to registered nurse Nancy Kerrigan, who happens to shares a name with a famous ice skater, Kerrigan and his family moved to their home in Minden two years ago from Minnesota.

Kerrigan's choice of the National Guard allows him to be there for the girls' after-school games or karate lessons. It also affords him the opportunity to coach intramural basketball.

With his appointment as commander of the 2nd Battalion, 99th Troop Command and the supervision of its 330 troops, Kerrigan has set two new professional goals: to have a successful command and attend the War College in Pennsylvania.

"It would be an honor to be selected to attend that," he said.

At his current rank, Kerrigan could retire in 12 years. But ultimately he hopes to achieve the rank of full colonel, which would "allow" him to stay longer in the service.

"If I can stay longer I would. I like the esprit de corps and the camaraderie," he said. "I love my job. The people I work with are great. The area we live in is great. I will retire here. "

Kerrigan, who comes from a family of seven, has one final personal goal.

"I would like a fourth child and I'd like it to be a girl," he said.


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