Brian Corley photoJim Smolenski, left, and 3-year-old Daniel Morrison, take a moment Friday to give Daniel a soccer ball at a spaghetti feed Friday to benefit the little boy who is undergoing cancer treatment. The dinner at the Elks Lodge raised $3,000 toward Daniel's medical bills.
A spaghetti feed for a Carson City boy suffering from brain cancer raised $3,000, organizers said Sunday.
More than 300 people came to the dinner Friday night hosted by the Carson City Elks Lodge for 3-year-old Daniel Morrison.
"I was really touched by the support. It's too bad more people couldn't come, but with everything that's going on in the world, its just a neat feeling to see people try to help when they can," said organizer Jim Smolenski of the Elks Lodge.
Smolenski said the money was raised through the suggested donation of $5 a plate, a raffle and a silent auction of items donated by local businesses.
Sixteen gallons of sauce made by Pat and Julio Correnti and 70 pounds of pasta were prepared.
Daniel's mom, Kelly Barnes, said she, too, was moved by the turnout.
"'Thank you' just doesn't begin to express how I feel. There are just no words," she said. "It was incredible just a steady flow of people. It was great.
Barnes said she and Daniel recently learned the Make-A-Wish Foundation approved Daniel's wish of a trip to Walt Disney World in Florida.
The family will leave Sept. 29.
Initially, Daniel was undergoing chemotherapy, but when Barnes could no longer watch her son being "pumped with poisons" she decided to look for an alternative and is treating Daniel with cancer-fighting foods and vitamins and with regular visits to the physician.
All of the proceeds from the dinner will go to the cost of Daniel's care.
To donate directly to 3-year-old Daniel Morrison in his fight against brain cancer, send tax-deductible donations to Angel Kiss Foundation, 150 Ridge Street, Ste. 3 , Reno NV. 89501. For information about Angel Kiss call 1-888-589-KISS (5477).