When it comes to making lemonade
out of lemons, the folks at Great Basin
Federal Credit Union deserve a nod.
Their new headquarters
building at 9770 S.
Virginia that's next to
Winco near South
Meadows and U.S. 395
was squeezed into a roughly
triangular shape by the
constraints of the property.
That's not a problem for
the credit union. Its officials
proudly say that the footprint
of the building looks
remarkably like the outline
of Nevada.
The credit union moved
from its previous headquarters at 981
Bible Way in east Reno during the
weekend of Sept. 7-8, closing a half
hour on that Friday to allow employees
to finish packing boxes.
On Monday, Sept. 9, the crew was
open for business at the new 10,000-
square-foot building.
"It was kind of neat," said Susan
George, the credit union's business
development and marketing manager.
"The employees did most of the work."
The credit union employs about 40.
The new building includes facilities
to serve the credit union's 11,000 members
anyone who works or lives in
Washoe County is eligible for membership
along with administrative offices
and back-office functions.
George noted the facility also includes a
drive-up teller machine and two drive-up
windows where customers can transact
their business with live tellers.
George said the new facility provides
substantially higher visibility for the credit
union because the previous headquarters
was tucked on a side street near Mill Street
and Terminal Way.
The Bible Street location has been closed
by Great Basin. It continues to operate its
branch locations at Keystone Square and at
Prater and McCarran in Sparks.
Joseph Pace Construction Inc. built the
building that was designed by Morris &
Brown Architects Ltd. of Reno.