Groups meet to discuss Pine Nut plan

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The Carson City Open Space and Carson River advisory committees and the Parks and Recreation Commission plan to meet Monday to discuss a proposed update to the plan managing the Pine Nut Mountains.

The committees are seeking opinions from Carson residents.

The Pine Nut plan amendment could limit recreational uses of the pi-on-covered mountains on Carson's eastern border as well as change how the Bureau of Land Management deals with the sale of public lands. The plan hasn't been updated since 1985.

Carson Open Space Manager Juan Guzman said the group meeting will focus on at least five of 17 issues presented in the BLM's proposal: access, off-road vehicles, minerals, urban interface, fire management and recreation.

Off-road vehicle users may be the most affected by the plan. Guzman said new "scarring (from off-road vehicles) seems to be cropping up every time you look at the hills."

How to end unnecessary abuse to the hills yet still allow off-road vehicle users a recreational option is under serious discussion in Pine Nut amendment meetings.

Tom Crawford, BLM economist and team leader of the Pine Nut plan amendment, said the urban interface issue, how Douglas, Carson and Lyon counties grow into and interact with neighboring federal lands is another big issue: Should the BLM sell neighboring public lands, limit their uses to recreational purposes or trade lands on the perimeter for private land woven throughout the mountain range's 400,000 acres?

Whether it's just looking at the mountains from a kitchen window or actively using the mountains for recreation, Crawford said how the mountains are managed should matter to everyone.

The federal agency is almost done collecting initial comments and is starting write a draft management plan. Next summer, the plan will be rolled out for another round of public review. The federal government set aside $300,000 a year for the study, which is expected to be complete in 2005 or 2006.


What: Joint meeting of the Open Space and Carson River advisory committees and the Parks and Recreation Commission

When: 6 p.m. Monday

Where: the Community Center's Sierra Room, 851 E. William St.


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