Internet access, an important fixture in the offices of most businesses, is moving to the construction job site as well.
Infinisys of Nevada, a Reno-based network integration consulting company, installed wireless access points along the ReTRAC site.
The access points provide up to 10 megabytes of bandwidth for email and Web browsers.
Here's how it will work: MADCON Consulting Services, which is responsible for making sure the ReTRAC project complies with environmental regulations, will have teams monitoring the project.
Those employees from 10 disciplines geologists, archaeologists, surveyors and the like will file up to 150 reports a day to the agencies overseeing the project.
In the past, paperwork on similar projects has taken days to prepare and file.
"I had two options: Hire more people or solve the problem with technology," said Mark Demuth, president of MADCON Consulting Services.
The solution devised by Infinisys provides portable devices that allow MADCON's team to instantly submit reports and update data from the ReTRAC site.
A Web-based data entry and collection system will allow the MADCON team and regulatory agencies to have instant access to daily reports and other data.
And use of wireless Web cameras will provide real-time photos of the project.
Demuth said the wireless access points along the ReTRAC project also can be used to send and receive e-mail, further boosting his staff 's productivity.
"We will save enormous amounts of time for paperwork," the MADCON president said.
He estimated total savings at 3,900 man-hours a year a cash savings of about $214,000 and expects the project will pay for itself three times over.
Dave Fry, operations manager for Infinisys, said use of wireless access helps smooth one of the bumpiest parts of any construction project communication.
"The use of wireless technology creates flexibility," he said.
"The logistical management of a project like this presents many communication issues.
Not having to deal with data lines makes things simpler and less expensive."