Betty Mahoney resides of a meeting held February 13 at the Elks Lodge in Carson City. Photo by Brian Corley
The Carson City Emblem Club doesn't have an identity crisis, but club president Betty Mahoney said many people have never heard of it.
"It's funny, really. We get the question asking who we are, with as much as we do for the community," Mahoney said.
"People just don't know who the Emblem Club is. The easiest way to describe ourselves is to say we're the wives of the Elks."
The Emblem Club in Carson City No. 507 was formed to perform charitable works and bear true alliance to the Constitution and the flag of the United States, club members and the Elks lodge.
Its official emblem is the U.S. flag. Member Carol Park said members promote and display the flag at every opportunity.
Since being chartered in 1976, the club has made donations to several groups. They include a Western Nevada Community College nursing scholarship; the hearing-impaired program in the Carson City School District; Safe Grad Night at Carson, Douglas and Dayton high schools; Eagle Valley Children's Home; an ice cream social for hearing-impaired children; and Camp Clear Creek in Carson City.
"We are a club unto ourselves," Mahoney said. "We started as an auxiliary to the Elks, but became our own entity in 1976. We are no longer a part of the Elks, but we do use their lodge and contribute to their charity funds, too."
Being married to an Elk member is no longer a requirement to become an auxiliary member, but a woman does have to have an Elk sponsor to join.
Of about 80 members, 20 are officers. They wear dresses, white gloves and purple sashes identifying their office. Each term is for one year.
"We have let up on tradition just a little in recent years," Mahoney said. "It makes the new members feel more comfortable."
Tradition has remained in the ceremonial process of each meeting. Long, white gowns and gloves are worn at installations; street-length dresses are worn at regular meetings.
"Officers coming in and going out are the only ones to wear white dresses," Mahoney said.
Each November, a memorial service is held during a meeting to honor any woman who has died in the last year.
"This club also provides great friendship for many. These ladies have been solid, true friends for me," Mahoney said. "They're there for you, no matter what you need."
Who: Carson City Emblem Club No. 507
When: Meets at 7 p.m. first and third Thursdays at the Elks Lodge, 515 N. Nevada St.
Information: 882-2177