The corner of Double R and Technology boulevards is being developed by Reno attorney Robert Sader.
Sader owns the 2.4-acre parcel and plans to put four buildings on the lot, one in each corner, with common parking in between.
Each building will be between 6,500 and 7,500 square feet, said Sader.
The first building, a single-story stucco with concrete tile roof, is now under construction and will house 17 executive suites ranging in size from 180 square feet to 300 square feet.
The offices will share a common reception area.
The building, which should be completed by September, is being built by D.W.
Arnold Inc.
Sader has already signed up one tenant: himself.
The real estate lawyer currently works out of another building he owns on Court Street, in the Newlands historic district.
He plans to sell that building once the South Meadows building is finished.
Sader said the move from a neighborhood known for an abundance of law firms to one known for industry and technology makes sense for him.
"My office is near the court house, but I don't do much litigation anymore," he said.
At the same time, Sader plans to put in the parking lot and landscaping that will serve all four building once they're built.
He is selling another corner of the parcel to Nick Vestbie with Reno soil testing firm Nortech, who plans to build a combination office and laboratory.
Construction is expected to start next month.
Finally, Sader said he hopes to find single tenants for the last two buildings, which he will build to their specifications.