Out & About: Community Calendar of Events & Activities

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Advocates to End Domestic Violence takes over the streets Saturday with its annual Taste of Downtown.

The event reminds me of Bite of Seattle, with a Carson twist. It benefits a great organization that directly supports women and children until they can get on their feet again. The atmosphere is relaxing, with revelers strolling downtown, soaking up music, and enjoying great food from all the local restaurants. Bring your appetites and comfy walking shoes.

The money raised directly pays for local domestic and sexual assault prevention programs that director Lisa Lee and her amazing staff have continued to make the difference in so many women's and children's lives.

Speaking of food, a new food program will be available to Carson residents in July through the Commodity Supplemental Food Program. Every month at the Ron Wood Family Resource Center, seniors, mothers and children can receive food packages. Eligible persons include adults 60 years and older, pregnant women, mothers up to one year after giving birth, and infants and children up to age 6.

Supplement food packages will contain 40 pounds of canned meats, vegetables, fruits, cereal, cheese, pasta or rice, evaporated and dry milk, dry beans or peanut butter. Infants will receive formula.

Income guidelines for seniors/woman apply; to find out if you are eligible, call the number below. What a great way to help local senior and mothers raising children who have no other assistance while living on a fix income.

Sheriff Kenny Furlong will speak at the Carson Nugget to the Carson City Republican Women. The public is invited to listen to Sheriff Furlong's ideas about some solid new programs.

Out & About Events

WHO: Advocates to End Domestic

WHEN: Saturday

WHERE: Downtown Carson

WHAT: A taste of the best Carson has to offer. Stroll through downtown, enjoying music and tasty treats from local restaurant, while benefiting a great program for woman and children.

CONTACT: Advocates to End Domestic

TELEPHONE: 883-7654

WHO: Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) and Ron Wood Family Resource Center

WHEN: June 27 is the next qualification seminar.

WHERE: 625 Fairview Drive

WHAT: Nevada will soon enroll participants for the Commodity Supplemental Food Program, which provides a food package each month to eligible persons in Washoe, Churchill and Carson City counties.

COST: Free.

CONTACT: Ron Wood Family Resource Center

TELEPHONE: 884-2269

WHO: Carson City Republican Women

WHEN: Tuesday

WHERE: Carson Nugget

TIME: Noon

WHAT: Sheriff Kenny Furlong speaks on a number of new issues, planning to highlight the drug programs in the city. Carson City does not have D.A.R.E. in its schools, and Sheriff Furlong is working hard for a solid program.

COST: $14 lunch

CONTACT: Carolyn at 246-7954

Please contact me with your organization information at:kimriggs@att.net.