Benefits of community service

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Community service programs can increase customer loyalty and employee satisfaction.

There are all kinds of community service organizations and projects that could benefit from the support of your company or a group of people in your company.

Why not initiate a project for your company or a group of workers? This not only helps you and your fellow coworkers feel good about yourselves and your work; it can also generate excellent publicity for your company.

Organize a committee to help plan fund-raising events in your company.

Use the money collected throughout the year for a needy family during the holidays.

There are a number of social service organizations that can match up your company with a family who needs your help.

Plan a holiday party (it doesn't have to be at Christmas) for people in a nursing home or children in an economically deprived area.

Hold the party at your office, or if that isn't practical, hold it at their building, school, or some other public facility.

Adopt a particular class at a school.

Hold special learning days for them, teaching them about what your company does and how they might plan for a future in your career field.

Take them on a special field trip, or out for a picnic on a Saturday.

Form a cooperative educational effort with other companies.

Each company can contribute something to an overall program that enriches the lives of people in less fortunate circumstances.

The possibilities are endless.

As an individual, you can volunteer your skills to a nonprofit organization.

Are you an accountant? Help them with records and bookkeeping.

Are you in advertising or public relations? Offer to create effective fund-raising campaigns.

Are you a teacher or a writer? Many underprivileged children and illiterate adults could benefit from your help in learning to read.

You can find hundreds of ways to use your job skills creatively to help others and make you work feel truly rewarding.

Jane Boucher is an author and professional speaker with offices in Carson City and Ohio.

Reach her at 775-884-4899, 937-416-9881or

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