Kite day is May 15 at Lampe Park

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4-H Family Kite Day is 11 a.m. Ð 2 p.m. May 15 at the Lampe Park Pavilion, 1329 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville.

Supplies will be provided free. Preregistration by Wednesday is required in order to ensure there are enough supplies on-handWeather permitting, you can fly your kite after making it.

This annual event led by Stan and Carol Mayr is sponsored by Douglas County 4-H, a program of University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. To register or for more information, call University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, (775) 782-9960.

Families sought to host exchange students

Cultural Homestay International, a nonprofit organization fostering mutual cultural understanding since 1980, is accepting applications for host families for foreign exchange high school students for the 2004-05 school year beginning in August.

The students, from Europe, South America, Asia, Russia, and other countries, are chosen for their scholastic abilities, English language skills and recommendations from their schools.

They have their own spending money and insurance and are required to participate in some extra curricular school activities.

If you are interested, contact Nancy Thorman, 882-0367.

Roberts House hosts Mother's Day Tea

The Roberts House Museum will host a Mother's Day Tea at noon Sunday.

The Roberts House is at 1207 N. Carson St.

Seating is limited, early reservations are recommended. Cost is $18 per person and includes a tour of the museum and its exhibits.

For reservations or information, call Paula Cannon at 887-8865.

Garden center notes Mother's Day

Greenhouse Garden Center will celebrate Mothers Day at 1 p.m. Sunday by holding a Rose Festival and seminar on "How to Care for your Roses."

Call 882-8600 for information.

- Staff reports


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