Associated Press John McDonald, left, and his father, Bill, put gas cans back in their car after filling up Friday afternoon in Punta Gorda, Fla. Life is slowly returning to normal as a few gas stations and restaurants are beginning to reopen one week after Hurricane Charley made landfall.
PUNTA GORDA, Fla. - For residents of this hurricane-ravaged town, simple things like getting a cell phone signal or having a cold beer in a neighborhood pub can go a long way to mending frayed nerves.
Hurricane Charley hit hardest here. If the days that followed are any measure, the recovery will be long and tedious. Every tiny increment counts.
"I've heard people that have lost everything and they celebrate simple things like they have a dial tone or their cell phone chirped for the first time," said Craig Fugate, the state's emergency management director. "Businesses are coming back on line. It's something as simple as eating downtown instead of driving out of the county."
There are also the bigger steps: The downtown hospital reopened Friday and Gov. Jeb Bush promised to bring in portable classrooms so all schools could open a week from Monday.
"You have a senior class that has had four years here, and for them to graduate at another site is not acceptable," said Charlotte High School Principal Barney Duffy, standing in front of a pile of bricks and shattered wooden beams that toppled from the three-story school.
It will probably be another two years before students walk Charlotte High's halls again, but 80 portable classrooms will be brought in for its 2,300 students. Football practice begins this weekend.
"It's going to start the healing process," Duffy said. The students "need to be with their friends, commiserate, cry a little and hopefully laugh a little."
The recovery effort has moved at lightning speed compared with Hurricane Andrew in 1992. Insurance claims are moving faster, search and recovery efforts wrapped up in three days and supplies are flowing into the community and being distributed with greater efficiency.
Part of it can be credited to improved technology - satellite communication and portable cell phone towers - and to better preparation and planning among emergency workers. State officials said more schools were damaged by Charley than by Andrew, yet schools were expected to reopen nearly three weeks earlier than they did in 1992.
Seven of Charlotte County's schools were destroyed, but Bush said classrooms, books and buses are being brought in from around the state so every student will be in a classroom Aug. 30 - just seven days after the originally scheduled first day.
He and Federal Emergency Management Agency Director Mike Brown promised the county would have money to rebuild its schools.
"We'll cut you the check, we'll get these buildings rebuilt and get the schools back open for you," Brown said.
About a mile from Charlotte High, a crowd of doctors, nurses and residents cheered as Charlotte Regional Medical Center reopened.