They come from California,Nevada,Washington and Oregon.
They come to visit the casinos and the Railroad Museum.
They are a median age of 44 with an average income of $76,000.
They're the visitors to Carson City and they're arriving in increasing numbers.
Results from the 2003-2004 Visitor Profile Study, a bi-annual survey commissioned since 1995 by the Carson City Convention & Visitors Bureau, found visitors come to Carson City for vacation, to participate in outdoor recreation, visit casinos and experience the area's history.
To differentiate Carson City from other gaming destinations, the CCCVB sharpened its focus on promoting the history of Carson City.
Touring the Railroad Museum was one of the most frequently mentioned activities in the survey results.
"The fact that people mentioned history as the No.
1 reason for visiting shows us that our marketing efforts are on target," said Candace Duncan, executive director of the Carson City Convention & Visitors Bureau.
Golf and gaming also were frequently mentioned by visitors as a popular activity.
Visitors spent an average of $375 in Carson City, an increase from 2001, the last time the survey was conducted.
Those from Southern California and the Bay Area had the highest spending levels while visitors from Nevada had the lowest.
Those Nevada visitors,however, averaged the highest number of trips to Carson City annually.
The average length of stay was three nights.
Advertisements for Carson City were recognized by approximately 69 percent of the 440 visitors surveyed by Strategic Marketing Group of South Lake Tahoe.
The ads are created by Incline Village-based Smith & Jones Inc.
The Bay Area was the largest sources of California visitors, which also points to increasingly effective outreach efforts.
The Internet has proved an equalizer for Carson City, placing it on a level playing field with larger vacation destinations.
The Carson City Convention & Visitors Bureau maintains www.visitcarsoncity.
com, which 10 percent of those surveyed said they had used to plan their trip.